Monday, August 13, 2007

Allergic to chicken

I just got back with Clara from a chiropractic appointment. The shortdog is doing fine, her back just needed to be adjusted in the usual places -Thanks Anne! While we were there, I decided to ask what she thought about Clara's eye tearing alot of late. Anne thought she may be allergic to chicken. So, we asked Clara, I know it sounds strange/weird/far fetched, but, Clara said she's allergic. So, I'll change her bone source to something else and we'll see what happens.

My friend, co-worker Kathy (Dr.) went to a seminar and sat in on a nutrition lecture. She told me that the nutritionist said that a lot of raw diets are unbalanced, and that she would bring me home some information to read and I will share it here. Hopefully, my diet will only need some minor tweaking or preferably none at all. We shall see...


Jules said...

Hey Lisa: I am a student of Katrin's and having been reading your blog with interest. I used to feed a partial raw diet until I decided my boy Ike needed to lose a few pounds and dropped the raw.

Sine I started reading your blog I have been reconsidering the raw diet and just ordered The BARF Diet. I would be super interested to hear what your friend Kathy has to say.

Have you heard of Primal? Supposedly they offer a "complete" raw packaged diet - it includes fruit, coconut oil, etc. Just curious.

Jules said...

Hey Lisa, I checked out BalanceIt ( Weird, it is basically a recipe creator. You plug in what you are feeding, i.e. chicken, etc. and they create recipes. $20 for 1 or 3 at $12.50 each. LMK if this isn't the web site you mentioned.